Let's Conquer Dementia

Mike Barnes

Mike Barnes at Barnes Labs LLC, pictured here with Kevin Harington, has been inventing products for most of his life and this time he has potentially discovered a way to keep Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Parkinson’s from progressing and getting worse.

Mike has designed and developed a number of fantastic game-changing products, such as, innovative automotive airbag technology, technology aboard first Mars lander, safer child car restraints, better car passenger safety products and innovative personal care products.

An Accidental Discovery

He discovered this breakthrough technology that stops Dementia from progressing  completely by accident while working in his lab. Mike’s Company is getting ready to conduct field testing with twenty Dementia patients. Further testing at a University Medical School will be done to see if the device also has a reversing effect on the disease. Before the device can be marketed it will require FDA approval.

Mike built a prototype device for a friend with Parkinson’s and his friend reported that it helped to stop the tremors in his hands. Of course, this is a test of one which isn’t at all scientific but promising. Barnes Labs will soon be looking for volunteers with dementia to participate in the field testing for free. Mike is already communicating with several universities  to do the final lab testing. Then we will seek FDA approval.


Is it Dementia?

If we can determine soon enough that the person is beginning to show signs of Alzheimer’s, which is Dementia, we should be able to stop it from progressing and getting worse. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause for Dementia, accounting for 60-80% of all diagnoses.

Q:  Does Phototherapy really work for Alzheimer’s?
A:  Yes, the right wavelength of light kills the P. Gingivalis bacteria that causes Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons disease.

Q:  Do you have any clinicals done showing the device works?
A:  Our clinicals have not been done yet, that’s the next step before marketing the device.

Q:  How far along are you before starting the clinicals?
A:  We want to field test some units to gather information before we do the clinicals.  At this time it is hard to say, maybe, 12 months.

Q:  Have you done any testing with the device?
We have done tests on bacteria kill rate in the lab showing a 100% kill rate with the P. Gingivalis bacteria. We have tested only one person, so far, with Parkinsons and he reported that his hands stopped shaking.

Q:  When do you think the device will be ready for market?
A:  At this point it is a guess but with funding, we believe a bit more than 12 months.

A Medical Breakthrough in Research

Harnessing the Right Wavelength of Light to Combat Alzheimer’s 

By Barnes Labs

Imagine a future where technology not only enriches our lives but also preserves our cognitive health. Recent advancements in Phototherapy technology have ignited hope in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative condition affecting millions worldwide. Our research team is currently at the forefront of investigating how this technology could potentially halt or even reverse the progression of Alzheimer’s Dementia. Current research involving the treatment of Alzheimer’s using Phototherapy or Photobiomodulation (PBM) are only treating symptoms.

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the accumulation of toxic protein aggregates in the brain caused by P. Gingivalis bacteria, leading to cognitive decline and memory loss. Our promising avenue of research suggests that specific wavelengths of light kill these bacteria on contact, potentially preventing further neuronal damage.

After years of research and experimentation Barnes Labs  finally found the right  wavelength of light that kills P. Gingivalis bacteria on contact by destroying the bacteria’s DNA. The Company has developed a helmet that emits this light wavelength that can be for home use.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31050950 Conclusion from this study: PBM was well tolerated and associated with no adverse side effects, these results support the potential of PBM therapy as a viable home treatment for individuals with dementia. This study only treats the symptoms not the cause. Barnes Labs treats the root cause, killing the bacteria that is responsble for the disease in the first place.

The Company’s treatment is also referred to as Photobiomodulation (PBM) Treatments or Phototherapy treatments. Our preliminary data is encouraging, suggesting that our proprietary light therapy not only slows the progression of Alzheimer’s but also enhances cognitive abilities in affected individuals. This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize Alzheimer’s treatment by providing a non-invasive, cost-effective method to manage and potentially reverse the disease’s devastating effects.

To further advance our research and expedite the development of this groundbreaking  technology as a viable therapeutic option, we are actively seeking visionary investors. Your partnership will enable us to expand our clinical trials, scale our research efforts, and bring this life-changing innovation to those affected by Alzheimer’s disease worldwide. Together, we can make significant strides towards combating Alzheimer’s and improving the quality of life for millions of individuals and their families.

In conclusion, the integration of Phototherapy technology represents a pivotal moment in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. By leveraging the power of light to target the underlying mechanisms, P. Gingivalis Bacteria, we have the potential to transform Alzheimer’s treatment from managing symptoms to actively halting its progression. Join us on this journey to unlock the full potential of our innovative technology and make a lasting impact on global health. Together, we can redefine the future of Alzheimer’s care and bring hope to millions of people around the world.

The Company’s Phototherapy technology is currently patent pending, reflecting its innovative nature and potential for intellectual property protection. The company will  pursue regulatory approvals to advance from preclinical studies to large-scale clinical trials, laying the groundwork for future commercialization and global distribution. The technology is highly proprietary and can only be revealed by signing an NDA/non-compete agreement.

We invite investors to join us in revolutionizing Alzheimer’s treatment through our pioneering new technology. By investing in further research, development, and clinical testing, you can play a crucial role in advancing this transformative therapy from the laboratory to the clinic. Together, we can make a profound impact on the lives of millions affected by Alzheimer’s disease, offering hope for a future where effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure is within reach. Thank you for visiting us.

For more information or investment fill out the form on this website or contact Frank Rossani,

Frank Rossani


Because light therapy was well tolerated and associated with no adverse side effects, these results support the potential of Phototherapy as a viable home treatment for individuals with dementia.

Barnes Labs Solutions

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There is Hope

Lets Work for the Cure

The device used in the testing is completely harmless with no discomfort or side effects. This discovery will make a huge improvement in the life of many families. There are millions of people affected by Dementia.

Mike Barnes
128 W. Frisco Lane
Dunnellon, FL 34434